our story

My name is Daniel O'Connor (Right of Picture) beside me is Bradley Heaven (left of picture) Bradley was born with nonverbal Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy.
We began our journey together in 2010 when I took on the role as Brad's fulltime Aide while he attended high school. This job turned into a journey neither of us would have ever expected!
Over the years we've built a very unique and everlasting friendship. Today, we're best friends and business partners! We're now using our unique journey and experiences with adaptive products and assistive technologies to help others with disabilities through our non profit, All Access Life.
Bradley also uses assistive technology to communicate and live life to the fullest. He has a TD Pilot device from Tobii Dynavox mounted to his wheelchair by an Ideas FIL mount.
Over the years we've seen the amazing effects adaptive products have had on Brad's life. We've noticed how fast adaptive products and assistive technologies come and go, making it difficult to keep up with the current (sometimes superior) gadgets. Our goal is to create a website that showcases the latest trends and movements in adaptive products and assistive technologies.